Pumped Hydro to Replenish the Salton Sea and Bring Death Valley to Life

4 Responses

  1. Mark Atwood says:

    Don’t just pump sea water. There should also be a solar powered desalination plant to provide water for the region’s agriculture. The energy cost of solar is nothing. And the cost of build a solar desalination could be shared by various states getting water from Lake Mead…because this solar desalination plant reduces the amount of water the region would take from Lake Mead…leaving more water for all the other states. California agriculture is the biggest user of Colorado River water and reducing the water California takes from the Colorado would benefit everyone else.

  2. Chris says:

    Man, I’ve had this idea for decades and would tell it to anyone who would listen. You build a giant pipe to bring seawater to the Salton Sea, you build a giant solar desalination plant in the desert, and use the fresh water produced to refill Lake Mead and reverse the flow of the Colorado River Aqueduct, which pumps water from the Colorado River to Southern California. Boom you’ve addressed sea level rise, water/food shortages, global warming, and the drying out of the Colorado River. Plus, bonus, you have free sea salt left over you can sell.

  3. Robert says:

    If you bore a tunnel from just above LA would it be possible to generate electricity by siphoning it into death valley and from there down to the salton sea or vise versa pump water into the salton sea and than up to death valley. Once you achieve this you could spray the saltwater into the air increasing evaporation which would cause rain in surrounding areas and cool death valley.

  4. Thomas Harp says:

    Is there any movement on this idea/project? The Trump administration is all about land development D-regulation and making useful areas out of wasteland. If you could get this in front of the President and tell him you will call it lake Trump you may get the D-regulation you need. That is if you don’t have Trump derangement syndrome there as you are in California. If you do put it aside and reclaim this desert for the good it could be. I personally want lake corcoran refilled but there are probably many residents that would object. You would not have that problem. The Salton Sea stinks. I used to go there with my Dad. I am from San Bernardino. It definitely needs water. It did in the 80s I can only imagine now.Good luck!

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