94 Search results

For the term "ocean".

Rubber Ducks Measure Ocean Currents

Who knew that “tens of millions” of rubber ducks race rivers for charity. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, in a KUOW radio interview, discusses the popular charity races where people can bet on (or “adopt”) a rubber duck for...


Should Debaters Privatize the Oceans?

Rognvaldur Hannesson’s Privatization of the Oceans is a fascinating story of the development of property rights in ocean fisheries… Hannesson sets the tone with an interesting comparison between the development of property rights in...


The Wild World of Open Ocean Farmed Fish

Jay Fidell, writing in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, argues against proposed state legislation that would block open-ocean fish farms. (State must save, not end, open-ocean fish farming, Feb. 6, 2011) Fidell notes: One-third of ocean...


Transportation Policy Reform

Transportation policies are local, state, federal. The coming year’s NCFCA topic calls for reforming federal transportation policies: Resolved: The United States Federal Government (USFG) should significantly reform its domestic transportation policy implemented by the...