Who’s Watching You?
A few overheads from presentation on the economics of federal electronic surveillance policies.
- Economics is about incentives. Everything else is commentary.
- Economics is not just about private companies that produce, trade, compete, and try to make profits.
- Public Choice is the economic study of politics, government, and policy. Government incentives?
- So…what incentives does government have to engage in pervasive electronic surveillance?
- To locate terrorists and potential terrorists.
- Who are potential terrorists? Tea Party Patriots?Gun club members? Christian homeschoolers?
- Think incentives. What else does the federal government do besides national defense?
- IRS, FEC, SEC, FBI, and the list goes on.
- Federal Income Tax regulations require that any and all income be recorded and taxes paid.
- By nature that infringes upon privacy and freedom of association.
- But it also creates incentives for govt. electronic surveillance.
- SEC, FEC, and the other federal agencies also want to know what folks are doing and saying.