Economic Thinking Posts on Debate Topics
One of the three NCFCA policy resolutions considered was: “That the Food and Drug Administration’s labeling and safety policies should be significantly reformed.” Had that resolution been chosen, new federal regulations of sausage making...
The world is a conflicted place, and since most of the world is ocean, no surprise that oceans host a great many conflicts. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface and hold 97% of...
Agents from NOAA … along with the Fish and Wildlife Service, raided the Miami business of Morgan Mok in 2008, seeking evidence she had broken the Endangered Species Act trading in...
Whenever an ocean or marine natural resource topic drifts in, some debaters are drawn to alternative ocean energy projects. What if we could generate limitless energy from ocean waves? Or maybe energy could be...
At the Ethos Debate camp at Patrick Henry College last week, I spoke on the NCFCA topics for the first time. I showed a segment from this video on Citizens United by Bradley Smith (former...
The most valuable marine natural resource in the world’s oceans may be what isn’t there rather than what is. What isn’t there is state regulation. Just offshore, beyond the reach of state and federal...
Plants and bugs are food for land animals and birds. Out in the world’s oceans, plankton are the common food for everything up the ocean food chain. A map of the world’s ocean plankton...
So the headline reads: “Sewage leak closes some Westchester, N.Y. beaches.” The article I checked online didn’t say who was responsible for the sewage leak. As a general rule, a private firm caught polluting...
Much of modern mainstream economics focuses on “market failures” and ways government regulations and agencies can try to correct them. When Microsoft was believed to have too much market share, and Microsoft Explorer was...
Property rights matter. When the only way to establish ownership of coral is by pulling it from the ocean floor, then the private coral trade will continue to deplete coral reefs around the world....