134 Search results

For the term "foreign policy".


Economic Thinking resources for Stoa speech and debate league… Gaming AI: Why AI Can’t Think but Can Transform Jobs by George Gilder For decades, George Gilder has been one of America’s most prophetic writers about...


U.S. in Latin America: Postal Subsidies, Cholera, Regeneration

Military Adventures, Postal Subsidies, Malaria, and Cholera US military commitments after guano (earlier post) turned to subsidizing  mail sent across Central American with postal subsidies. The demand for mail and Americans traveling to California...


Infinity Resource War: Thanos, 12 Monkeys, and Tomorrow’s Eco-Terrorists

With Marvel’s Infinity War showing on Netflix, millions who rarely venture to movie theaters can immerse themselves again in the Marvel universe. For Marvel readers, Thanos seems similar to Galactus facing the Fantastic Four in The...

Ethos Debate Webinar Notes

Ethos Debate Webinar Notes

December 20, 2018 -Abolish Peace Corps-(maybe sunset or transfer to nonprofit). The Peace Corps: A lot of bucks for very little bang, Brookings, October 16 2017  However, at approximately $56,500 per volunteer per year, the Peace Corps is one...