Economic Thinking Posts on Debate Topics
There must be more to the story of the Missouri homeschool family being maced and tasered by police after a Child Protective Services complaint. Why didn’t local sheriff’s office just get a warrant if...
No easy answers for questions about wealth and poverty. Few rich people want to be poor but many with low-incomes wish they were rich or at least earned more. People wonder about the sources...
Life is better for many and worse for some. The stories people read and hear shape how they understand wealth or poverty in their own lives. We compare our life to those around us...
Expanded use of body cameras can both protect police from false allegations of unnecessary violence and protect citizens from unnecessary police violence. Federal legislation has been proposed to mandate body camera be used by...
Taser International says lives are saved when police use Tasers instead of guns. According to Taser’s website, some 133,845 lives have been saved by Tasers so far. As people on the receiving end of...
It would be handy to burn a bright line between countering foreign espionage and stifling domestic dissent. That line turns out to be difficult to draw and maintain when governments under stress confuse critics...
For students researching federal electronic surveillance policy, offers a number of online videos. Here is one with Jim Otteson on the Fourth Amendment, Does the NSA Violate Your Constitutional Rights? | Learn Liberty The...
The United States doesn’t run an old-style foreign empire. But the U.S. government operates an”experimental empire” when foreign military operations open the door to testing large-scale “nation-building” projects. Quotes because such projects never actually...
What if giant offshore oil platforms created more long-term value as marine habitats than from pumping oil from deep under the sea? Consider the case of oil platforms off the coast of California. A...
Mistake happen and foreign policy goals sometimes collide. Two U.S. policies currently colliding are support and protection of the Kurds in northern Iraq, and support for a unified Iraq. In his WSJ opinion article...