Economic Thinking Posts on Debate Topics
In 1986 I was directing education programs, including high school debate programs, for the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, New York. FEE’s monthly magazine was The Freeman, long edited by Paul Poirot and I...
Consider the NSDA immigration reform topic, the Stoa foreign aid reform topic, and all three NCFCA topics (West Africa, European Union, International Terrorism): what if a single case could resolve or at least shed...
The public school NSDA policy debate topic for the coming school year calls for immigration reform: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reduce its restrictions on legal immigration to the United States....
Economic Thinking Workshops page updated with 2018 Summer camps and ET Workshop flyers. Economic Thinking Workshops page here. Summer Stoa and NCFCA Debate Camps • NIHD National Institute and Other NIHD Camps • Ethos Debate Summer Camps ...
Announced at NITOC, the coming year’s policy topic will be: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reform its foreign aid. For those who preferred the infectious disease or environmental convention topics, the...
[Notes from NITOC flyer with additional information] In addition to online resources, presentations at summer debate camps, and fall workshops, Economic Thinking works with and recommends these organizations and programs: • American Logos, training...
Transportation Policy Institute is a trial Economic Thinking project helping current and alumni debaters engage the public policy world with the research and advocacy skills developed through the debate season. Many affirmative cases–some from...
Among the three proposed NCFCA topics is: Resolved: The USFG should substantially reform its foreign policy regarding international terrorism. Since the 9/11 attacks international terrorism has been at the center of U.S. foreign policy....
One of the proposed NCFCA resolutions is about Europe. If chosen students can make the case to parents that travel to Europe for in-person research is key to success. Parents will likely say no,...
Recent posts looked at economics and demographics of West Africa for the proposed NCFCA resolution. Recently in the news, Ebola is back with an outbreak in Congo. The major 2014 Ebola outbreak brought this...