Economic Thinking Posts on Debate Topics
An earlier post on fossil fuel and renewable energy subsidies (End Ethanol/Biofuel and Fossil Fuel Subsidies) noted not taxing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel energy has been called a multi-trillion dollar fossil fuel subsidy....
My 2018 MasterResource article Environmental Accounting and Green Subsidies: The Biofuels Mistake (December 4. 2018), was written for a World Schools motion calling for “environmental cost accounting.” For this year’s federal energy policy topic,...
Maybe it sounds crazy for families to generate their own electricity. Why not just rely on the local electric utility monopoly for power? Well, for one thing, monopolies (single providers) tend to have higher...
New Economic Thinking Monetary Facebook page for the Stoa banking, finance, monetary policy topic.
Here is new Facebook page for sharing energy notes and links: Economic Thinking Energy.
Energy is the master resource. Energy can draw water from the sea and pump it up mountains. Sending water down mountains to deep valley deserts generates energy and take the salt out along the...
Market economies coordinate thousands of people and firms who cooperate and compete in the design and fabrication of energy production products and services. Usually company research and development advances quality, reliability, and efficiency across...
The NCFCA policy debate topic turns on energy markets and energy governance: Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its energy policy. Just as we have local, regional, state, and federal governments,...
No surprise the Wall Street Journal covers much banking, finance, and monetary policy in both it’s news and opinion sections. About WSJ opinion pages. Actual WSJ Opinion pages. Stories range from ongoing regulatory and...
For students with the energy topic, hydrocarbon vs. green or renewable energy claims swirl through federal policy debates. In climate change/fossil fuel debates everyone seems entitled to their own facts and theories, as well...