The dysfunctional legal systems of the Middle East and North Africa lock most young people out of the formal offers a twenty-minute educational video on the topic:
Locked Out: The Roots of Arab Spring, and segments can be viewed on this web page.
Locked Out: The Roots of Arab Spring, and segments can be viewed on this web page.
[And Free to Choose tv offers streaming version of longer documentary Unlikely Heros of the Arab Spring here.]
Hernando de Soto’s Institute for Liberty and Democracy was invited to conduct extensive research on problems of the Egyptian economy, and their findings are outlined in a Wall Street Journal article by Hernando de Soto. (Further discussion and links in this previous post.)
Teachers (including homeschool parents) can order a free educational video once a year. For the Middle East or international terrorism topic, any of the Hernando de Soto videos will be valuable. In fact all of the Hernando de Soto videos are worth watching. videos cover key economic and institutional issues, and the Hernando de Soto videos are valuable for geography and history as well as government and development economics.