Daisy Debate, Charter Cities for E.U. Refugees

Economic Thinking offers services to debate clubs and organizations. For Daisy Debate Open Houses (September 11, 18, 25, 6 pm Eastern time), Greg Rehmke will offer short comments on economics of demonstration debates.

Each open house will feature a demo debate between Jonathan and I. The debate is on the motion:  The European Union should establish charter cities for refugees. 

Link to Daisy Debate Open House page.

Overview presentation on Charter Cities and E.U. Immigration.

Charter Cities and Refugee Cities Resources
Refugee Cities website.
New Research in Brief on refugee self-reliance (October, 2017)
Refugee Economies: Forced Displacement and Development (2018)
• Short video: Refugee Economies: Rethinking Popular Assumptions
Charter Cities Institute Podcasts
• Charter Cities Podcast Episode 5: Iyinoluwa Aboyeji on Aiding Emerging Markets and Serving People with Grace
City Journal, Give Charter Cities a Second Look (Mark Lutter)

Economic Thinking posts on Charter Cities and E.U. Immigration reform
E.U. Migration: Hanseatic League to Charter Cities

Paths to Cities and the Global Economy
Reduce Refugees by Boosting Freedom

Possible Responses to the Refugee Crisis (Paul Romer, 2016)

Sweden may establish a free zone for refugees where they will be completely self-sufficient. They may in that event live and work there, without any cost for Swedish taxpayers. It suggests Romer, incoming chief economist at the World Bank.

Kylim Prime Group, post critical of Charter Cities for refugees, with links:

…Following the outbreak of the migration and refugee crises, the idea of “charter cities” gained a new momentum. Germany’s Africa Commissioner, Gunter Nooke, expressed his interest in building “charter cities” as a way to curb immigration towards Europe. Surprisingly, the idea found some support in Africa such as for example, Carol Musyoka, an academic at Strathmore Business School in Kenya which sees an opportunity to palliate to weak governance in some African countries.

Lastly, the humanitarian community showed interest for “charter cities” as a way to solve the refugee crisis. The idea to turn refugee camps into “Refugee Open Cities” was put forth by several former UN officials such as Kilian Kleinschmidt who used to manage the second largest refugee camp in the world. …

A Free zone to end smuggling in Morocco’s north (The North Africa Post, August 10, 2020)

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