Big Fish Farming to Conserve Amazon Rainforests
In a big country like Brazil, it makes sense for fish farmers to choose a big fish. The Tambaqui is that fish, and “averages about 3 feet in length (1 meter) and adult specimens...
In a big country like Brazil, it makes sense for fish farmers to choose a big fish. The Tambaqui is that fish, and “averages about 3 feet in length (1 meter) and adult specimens...
Encouraging new evidence suggests that the bulk of the worlds fisheries – including small-scale, often non-industrialized fisheries on which millions of people depend for food – could be sustained using community-based co-management. “The majority...
Global warming is expected by many to further endanger Green Sea Turtles. But until then, unusual cooling is endangering sea turtles, according to this 2010 article in the SunSentinel When the temperature drops very quickly...